
The parties stipulating this CCNL “for personnel employed by cleaning and integrated/ multi-service companies” acknowledge that supplementary healthcare not replacing the national health service as defined by the CCNL is one of the qualifying points for the full application of this CCNL. Payment of the charges referred to in this Article is an integral part of the overall remuneration envisaged in this CCNL and cannot be waived.

Therefore, without prejudice to the validity, essential nature, centrality and universality of the National Health Service provided for by current law, as of 01/07/2013 a single system of supplementary health benefits of the National Health Service was established for the entire cleaning, integrated/multi-service sector, structured in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree no. 314 of 2 September 1997 as amended and supplemented, insured through a Supplementary Healthcare Fund.

The supplementary healthcare is therefore of a general nature, with a single fund for all workers in the sector and will provide uniform benefits regardless of contractual hours.

Consistent with the above, the supplementary healthcare is articulated as follows:

  1. As from October 2014, the provision of supplementary health benefits is ensured through the SUPPLEMENTARY HEALTHCARE FUND FOR THE SECTOR OF CLEANING, INTEGRATED/MULTI-SERVICE COMPANIES – ASIM Fund, established jointly by the stipulating Parties.
  2. In order to finance these benefits, the following contribution is established at the employer’s expense for each employee in force with a permanent employment contract, not in their trial period, including workers with an apprenticeship contract:
  • from 1 July 2013, a company contribution of €4.00 per month is recognised for workers with average weekly working hours of up to 28 hours;
  • from 1 July 2013, a company contribution of €6.00 per month is recognised for workers with average weekly working hours above 28 hours;
  • All employers are required to pay a one-off contribution of €0.50 per worker to the ASIM FUND. For registrations after September 2012, the one-off registration fee to be paid is €0.50 per newly enrolled worker. This only concerns the initial one-off payment following the first registration of the employer and workers. There are no reductions for employees hired on a part-time basis. The one-off contribution is not paid for workers who are already registered involved in a change of job contract. The company must check if the workers are already registered, requesting this information from the Fund by email. The one-off contribution referred to in this Article shall be paid together with the first ordinary contribution.
    The contribution is net of the solidarity contribution and gross of the Fund’s operating expenses.
    Average weekly working hours are defined as individual annual contractual hours divided by 52 weeks. With this formulation the Parties intend to include all persons, including vertical and/or cyclical part-timers, who are obliged to pay contributions to the Fund for 12 months. Therefore, in the case of a cyclical part-time worker (e.g. those linked to educational services), contributions to the Fund must not be interrupted.
    As from 1 July 2013, the ordinary contribution to the ASIM FUND is payable by the employer with respect to the date on which the employment relationship is established, rounded up to a full month if the fraction of a month is more than 15 days. If employees are employed by more than one employer applying this CCNL, the contribution is still due from each employer.

3. The Parties acknowledge that in the determination of the portion of the economic increase of the CCNL for employees of cleaning and integrated/multi-service companies, the percentage of the quotas and contributions of this article of the CCNL for the financing of the Supplementary Healthcare Fund has been taken into account. The overall increase resulting from the application of the inter-confederation agreements in force therefore includes these dues and contributions, which are an integral part of the economic increase. A company that fails to pay the aforementioned fees and contributions is liable to workers not enrolled in the Fund for the loss of the relevant healthcare benefits, without prejudice to the worker’s right to compensation for any other damages. The payment of alternative allowances does not release the employer from the obligation to guarantee the worker the health benefits and services guaranteed by the ASIM fund. The right to supplementary healthcare within the limits set out in this article cannot be waived by the worker. The payment of the contribution to the healthcare fund must be specifically highlighted in the pay slip. The Parties will take steps to provide adequate information to companies and workers in the sector on the benefit of supplementary healthcare and the functioning of the ASIM Fund.

The Parties annex the articles of association of the Asim Fund to this CCNL. 

The provisions of this Article are binding on all companies applying this CCNL.