The National Joint Committee is the instrument for the examination of all collective disputes concerning the authentic and proper interpretation and full application of this CCNL.
The Joint Committee is composed of the organisations signing this CCNL and has 12 members, 6 of whom shall represent the employers’ organisations and 6 the workers’ trade union federations, who shall be designated by the respective parties referred to above within 30 (thirty) days of the signing of the CCNL.
An alternate may be appointed for each representative.
The place of work of the “Joint Committee” shall be at the head office of the joint sectoral body (ONBSI) referred to in Article 66 of this CCNL and shall operate in accordance with the following procedures and methods.
The Joint Committee may be approached by the National Organisations that enter into this contract or, through them, by the Local Organisations belonging to them, such contact being made by registered letter with return receipt.
At the time the request is filed, the requesting party shall produce all elements relevant to the examination of the dispute.
Pending proceedings before the Joint Committee, the respective trade union organisations concerned may not take any action.
The convening date for the examination of the dispute shall be set by agreement of the members of the Joint Committee within 15 (fifteen) days from the presentation of the request, and the entire procedure shall be completed within the following 30 (thirty) days.
Before deliberating, the Joint Committee may convene the parties to the dispute to gather any information and observations useful for the examination of the dispute.
The Joint Committee shall keep minutes of its meetings and the resolutions passed, which must be signed by the members of the Joint Committee.
Copies of the Joint Committee’s decisions will be sent to the parties concerned, who must comply with them.
For all matters related to the operation of the Joint Committee, the Joint Committee itself may make its own resolutions.
The members of the Committee shall also submit a final report on their work to the parties to the CCNL three months before the expiry of the contract.