Pursuant to Article 1 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 152 of 26 May 1997, within 30 days from the date of hiring the employer must provide the worker with the following information:
a) the identity of the parties;
b) the place of work; in the absence of a fixed or predominant place of work, the indication that the worker is employed in different places as well as the registered office or domicile of the employer;
c) the start date of the employment relationship;
d) the duration of the employment relationship;
e) the duration of the trial period;
f) the classification, level and qualification assigned to the worker, or the characteristics or a summary description of the work;
g) the initial amount of remuneration and its components, with an indication of the payment period;
h) the duration of paid leave;
i) working hours;
j) notice periods in the event of early termination.
Information on the matters referred to in letters e), g), h), i) and j) may be provided by referring to the provisions of the CCNL.
The contracting and subcontracting employer shall provide the worker with an identification card pursuant to Article 18, paragraph 1, letter u), of Italian Legislative Decree no. 81 of 9 April 2008.