
A worker who has been with the company for 12 months is entitled to a period of paid holiday each year:

  • equal to 22 working days in the case of weekly work spread over 5 days (short week);
  • equal to 26 days in the case of weekly work spread over 6 days.

In the event of dismissal for any reason or resignation, the worker, if they have accrued the right to a full holiday, will be entitled to compensation for the holiday.

If the worker has not accrued the right to a full holiday, they shall be entitled to as many twelfths of the holiday as there are full months of time in the company.

Fractions of a month not exceeding 15 days will not be calculated, whereas they will be considered as a full month if they exceed 15 days.

A worker who at the time of the holiday has not yet accrued the right to the entire holiday period because they have not yet had at least 12 consecutive months of work in the company shall be entitled to 1/12 of the holiday for each month of work.

In the case of a collective holiday, a worker who has not accrued the right to a full holiday shall be entitled to take as many twelfths as the number of months of time in the company.

In the event of national or midweek holidays falling during the holiday period, this period will be extended by the number of such holidays.

The notice period cannot be considered a holiday period.

The period for taking holidays will be determined based on the needs of the work, by mutual agreement between the parties, at the same time by department, stage or individually.

However, the company will ensure that the worker has two weeks’ holiday in each calendar year (1 January – 31 December) in the period from 1 June to 30 September.

The rule in the preceding paragraph does not apply to pest and rodent control companies.

Payment for the holiday period must be made in advance.

Given the hygienic and social purpose of holidays, no express or tacit waiver of them nor their replacement with compensation of any kind is allowed. A worker who despite being allocated holidays does not take them of their own free shall not entitled to any compensation or recovery in subsequent years.

This without prejudice to any more favourable terms.

With effect from 1 January 1986, working hours are reduced by 40 hours per year, normally through the recognition of corresponding rest days or in a manner to be defined by the company, taking into account technical, production and organisational requirements.

These reductions absorb any reductions granted at the company level.