
The following are to be considered public holidays:

a) all Sundays, or the days of compensatory rest referred to in Art. 40 (weekly rest); in the case of a short week, the 2nd day of rest is considered a holiday;

b) the public holidays of 25 April, 1 May and 2 June, as laid down by current law, without prejudice to any replacements or additions that may be made as a result of general provisions;

c) the following holidays:

  1. New Year’s Day (1 January);
  2. Epiphany (6 January);
  3. Easter (varies);
  4. Easter Monday (varies);
  5. Assumption (15 August);
  6. All Saints’ Day (1 November);
  7. Immaculate Conception (8 December);
  8. Christmas (25 December);
  9. Boxing Day (26 December);
  10. Patron Saint’s Day of the city where the worker works (for the municipality of Rome, Saints Peter and Paul, 29 June).

In those places where the patron saint’s day coincides with other holidays under let- ters b) and c), the regional associations shall establish a holiday in lieu of the patron saint’s day, so that the number of holidays under letters b) and c) remains unchanged.

If the holidays referred to in letters b) and c) fall on a weekly rest day (Art. 40), an amount equal to the daily portions of the elements of the monthly global remuneration payable shall be due in addition to the normal remuneration.


As regards the civil holiday (4 November) whose celebration takes place on the first Sunday in November, the employee will benefit from the treatment provided for holidays coinciding with Sundays, it being understood that no additional remuneration is due in the case of work performed on the calendar day of 4 November.

If the company arranges to work on the four religious holidays that have been abol- ished, the worker who works on these days is not entitled to any additional remuneration over and above the normal monthly salary and will instead be granted compensatory leave with pay for as many days worked on said religious holidays.

The above leave cannot be combined with the holiday period and shall be granted in accordance with work needs, bearing in mind the worker’s leave, and must be used with- in the year in which it is granted. If the worker does not use the above mentioned leave within the above-mentioned terms, they shall be entitled to as many daily quotas of the monthly global remuneration as the number of days worked on former religious holidays.

If the four religious holidays fall in the holiday period, a corresponding extension of the holiday period will be made.

If the four religious holidays coincide with the weekly rest period referred to in Article 40, the worker shall not be granted compensatory leave, but shall benefit from the treat- ment provided for in paragraph 3 of this Article.

The treatment of all holidays not worked referred to in this Article is included in the monthly salary.

If social security institutions pay a holiday allowance under this Article to workers absent due to illness, accident, pregnancy or childbirth, the company shall only pay the difference between such sum and the full holiday remuneration.


For workers of companies operating in the municipality of Rome, if, in addition to the day of Saints Peter and Paul an additional day off is given for the patron saint’s day, the number of leaves referred to in paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 of this Article shall be reduced to 3.