
A worker may not be transferred from one place of work to another except for justified technical, organisational and production reasons. 

The transferred worker retains the remuneration previously enjoyed, with the exception of those allowances and skills which are related to local conditions and particular services at the original workplace and which do not apply in the new destination. 

A worker who does not accept the transfer shall be entitled to severance pay and notice, except in the case of level 6 and 7 workers if at the time of hiring the right of the company to arrange for the transfer of the worker was expressly agreed to or this right results from the de facto situation of workers currently employed, in which case the worker who does not accept the transfer shall be considered to have resigned. 

A worker who is transferred will be reimbursed for travel and transport costs for them self, family members and family effects (furniture, luggage, etc.). 

The methods and terms must be agreed to in advance with the company. 

The allowance is also payable at the rate of 1/3 of the monthly global salary to a single worker without cohabiting dependants, and at the rate of 2/3 of the monthly global salary, plus 1/15 thereof for each dependent family member who moves with them, to a worker with a family. 

If as a result of the transfer the worker has to pay compensation for early termination of a rental contract, duly registered or reported to the employer prior to the notification of the transfer, they will be entitled to reimbursement of this compensation up to a maximum of four months’ rent. 

The transfer measure must be communicated to the worker in writing with one month’s notice.

A worker who requests a transfer is not entitled to the above allowances