

For each two-year period of work with the same company, white-collar workers shall be entitled to an increase of 6.25% calculated on the standard salary of the level they belong to in force at the time the increase is accrued and on the contingency allowance as of 1.8.83 (€ 279.60). 

The white-collar worker has the right to accrue a maximum of 8 two-year increases, up to 50% of the standard salary of the last level and the contingency allowance as of 1.8.83. These periodic increases cannot be absorbed by previous or subsequent merit allowances, nor can merit increases be absorbed by periodic increases granted or to be granted. 

Periodic increases start on the first day of the month immediately following the month in which the two-year period is completed. 

In the case of a change of level, the employee keeps the amount in figures of the in creases accrued in the original level. 

The fraction of the two-year period past at the time of this transition is useful for the purposes of accruing the next periodic increase. 

The periodic increases referred to in this Article absorb increases already granted for the same reason. 

For white-collar workers already in force as at 31/05/2011, the EDAR benefit referred to in the CCNL of 19/12/2007 will be maintained as a personal benefit and will be absorbed when the first increase is reached following the signing of this CCNL.


In consideration of the specificity of the sector characterised by contracts of a predetermined duration, workers will be granted a flat-rate sectoral seniority allowance paid in the fixed amounts set forth in the table annexed to this CCNL. This flat-rate sectoral seniority allowance is established as a single fixed amount, with no further increases, as envisaged in Article 22 of the CCNL of 25 May 2001 and previous CCNLs. 

The value corresponding to the flat-rate sectoral seniority allowance shall be kept separate from the standard salary and shall be taken into account for the purposes of overtime, holidays, 13th month, 14th month, indemnity in lieu of notice, severance pay, sickness and injury. 

The flat-rate sectoral seniority allowance will not be paid for the first four years in the sector. 

Starting from the fifth year, without interruption of employment in the sector, without prejudice to contract changes, it shall be paid according to the amounts envisaged in the table annexed to this CCNL. 

At the worker’s request, the company will issue a certificate attesting to the employee’s length of service with the company. 

For workers already in force who as at 31/05/2011, did not receive the flat-rate sectoral seniority allowance, the EDAR benefit referred to in the CCNL of 19 December 2007 will be maintained as a personal benefit and will be absorbed when reaching four years of seniority in the sector, as envisaged in this article.