
Article 21 – Fourteenth month

The company will pay a 14th month’s salary equal to a total monthly salary by 15 July. The reference period is from 1 July to 30 June. 

In the event of commencement or termination of employment during the year, a worker who is not in the trial period shall be entitled to as many twelfths of the amount of the fourteenth month’s pay as the number of months worked in the company in the relevant period. 

Fractions of a month not exceeding 15 days will not be calculated, whereas they will be considered as a full month if they exceed 15 days.

Article 20 – Thirteenth month

The company will pay a thirteenth month’s salary equal to the total monthly salary received by the worker by 20 December. 

In the event of commencement or termination of employment during the year, a worker who is not in the trial period shall be entitled to as many twelfths of the amount of the thirteenth month’s pay as the number of months worked in the company in the relevant period. 

Fractions of a month not exceeding 15 days will not be calculated, whereas they will be considered as a full month if they exceed 15 days.

Article 19 – Determination of the economic remuneration

The monthly remuneration and treatment related to contractual provisions of an economic nature are the consideration for a 40-hour working week. 

For the purpose of determining the hourly wage, the monthly divisor is 173.

The determination of the daily wage is obtained by dividing the monthly wage by 22 in the case of a 5-day week and by 26 in the case of a 6-day week.

Article 18 – Remuneration 

Remuneration will be paid at the end of each month, specifying the other constituent elements payable monthly. 

Remuneration may be paid by bank cheque and/or credited to a bank account, in accordance with the regulations in force. 

If the company delays the payment of wages for more than fifteen days, interest at the rate of 2% above the official discount rate shall automatically be charged from the due date referred to in the first paragraph. Furthermore, the worker shall have the right to terminate the employment relationship with the right to payment of severance and the indemnity in lieu of notice. 

In the event of a dispute over the standard salary and the other constituent elements of remuneration, the worker shall in the meantime be paid the undisputed part of the remuneration. 

The standard salary is defined as the amount specified in the table in this Contract. Basic pay is defined as the sum of the standard salary and the contingency allowance.

Global monthly remuneration is understood to be the amount resulting from the sum of the base pay and any productivity or individual allowance, as well as any other remuneration however named, paid on an ongoing basis, excluding any sum not considered remuneration (reimbursement of expenses, etc.). 


The parties confirm that the deadline for payment of salaries is, as per the first para graph of this article, each end of the month. 

Any variation of this term must be the subject of specific discussion and trade union agreement at the company level. 

This without prejudice to unchallenged company customs and practices in force on 31 May 2011.

Article 17 – Changes in duties and levels

The worker must be assigned to carry out the duties for which they were hired or those corresponding to the next higher level they subsequently acquired or duties corresponding to the last ones actually performed, without any reduction in pay. 

A worker who is called upon to temporarily perform duties at a higher level is entitled to the remuneration corresponding to the activity performed for the duration of the assignment.

Unless the performance of duties at a higher level took place in order to replace another worker who was absent with the right to retain their post, the change to the new level becomes effective for all purposes two months after the performance of the higher duties. 


The parties acknowledge that for cases of advancement to a higher level occurring before 31 May 1982, the rules of the previous contracts concerning the determination of seniority pay shall apply.